A Prayer for Twelve Apostles Parish
Almighty Father, on Pentecost you sent the Holy Spirit
upon the Twelve Apostles and gave life to the Church of
Jesus Christ, your Son. We thank you for creating our
community of faith and implore you to nurture it. Bestow
your Spirit once more upon our parish of Twelve Apostles.
Help us to build a holy house of worship where your name
is hallowed, the Lord’s resurrection is celebrated, and every
person redeemed by his blood is welcomed. Enlighten our
minds, inflame our hearts, and inspire us to give of time,
talent, and treasure for your glory. Guide our deliberations,
grant us patience, and keep us ever mindful of our goal to
serve you. We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ,
your Son, our Lord, Who lives and reigns with you and
the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.